Via Fenilrami, 15
46019 Cizzolo fraz. di Viadana (MN) - Italy
Phone: +39 0375 87141 - Fax : +39 0375 87046
E-mail: info@abrax.it - web: www.abrax.it
Sales Office: sales@abrax.it
Italy Date & Time
Environmental Textile Certifications
ISO 9001
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ISO 14001
In 2019 Abrax obtained OEKO-TEX certification for the following products:
10DRFN045-V4 |
10DRFN090-V3435 |
10DRFN090-VST |
10DRFL052-BFA |
20DRFL060-BFA |
10DRFL060-BI |
10DRFN070-N |
10DRFN076-VST |
10DRFL052-FX |
Click here to dowload the file
Conformity declaration REACH ABRAX 2019-07
Click here to dowload the file
Conformity declaration REACH ABRAX 2019-07
Click here to dowload the file